SPATLAB is a Spatial Data Analysis laboratory, directed by Gary Davis, Professor of Mathematics, Statistics and Data Science. Members of SPATLAB carry out research and education in the analysis of spatial and spatio-temporal point patterns.

... ‘spatio-temporal processes’ are the processes which evolve in time and space. The modeling of spatio-temporal distributions resulting from these dynamic processes is critical in many scientific and engineering fields such as environmental sciences, climate prediction and meteorology, population biology, epidemiology, criminology, image analysis, and agriculture, to name a few.” Harvill, J. L. (2010). Spatio‐temporal processes. Wiley interdisciplinary reviews: computational statistics, 2(3), 375-382.


“Map by Dr. John Snow of London, showing clusters of cholera cases in the 1854 Broad Street cholera outbreak.

This was one of the first uses of map-based spatial analysis.” (Wikipedia)